Simplify IT and accelerate your business

Tap into the power of MNI. We offer a big diversity of services, solutions and engagement models. All usable in the right combination for you! The focus on digitalization can start now. Read further for the options we offer. 


There are plenty of good reasons for calling on MNI

Digitalization is not just about improving, changing or adding an IT-system. It is about offering the right services and using the perfect matching engagement model which fits to your company. MNI is offering you the best support in keeping up the pace in digitalization. All changes we make, will ensure your company is resilient, flexible and ready for the (digital) future. 

You work faster and more decisively thanks to innovations in IT

Spending time and giving attention to innovative IT solutions, that always pay off. Especially when it concerns adaptations that you did not think were useful or even indispensable. At MNI, we understand this; sometimes, developments happen so fast that you do not discover them in time. Therefore, continuously monitoring and updating is desirable. The good news: you do not need a completely new software package each year in order to stay up‑to‑date! MNI ensures that everything is running on time, safe and reliable. Sometimes even with targeted adjustments.

You can't stay behind on digitalization!

In order to keep up and move with the market, digitalization policies are an absolute necessity. With an emphasis on working more efficiently and more simply, by outsourcing time‑consuming tasks to fast and less error‑prone machines. The possibilities are endless, you just need to know how to find them. MNI helps you do this, with a step‑by‑step plan, tailored to your company and the type of activities you perform.

Low-code platforms.
They do the work for you.

Build software quickly and easily with little code. It is possible. However, low‑code platforms can look very similar to those with less experience. Therefore, it is important to find the right software that fits all of your needs. It is necessary to think about this carefully, as a platform that has advantages for one company may not work for another. Luckily, MNI knows the way.

Recent cases

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